TUESDAY Night Football


Things to know before playing:

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls;

We play Tuesday Night Football Tournament (outdoor only) . We play 90 minutes (kick off is at 20:30, and we meet at least 15 minutes before for a warm up phase). Post-Corona football matches are most likely between 14-16 and 28-32 players. If you would like to join please bring artificial turf shoes (like the ones for indoor turf) and shin pads (not mandatory but definitely recommendable). All I ask is that you come with a good mood, be respectful to everyone, and pay online using the link below.

We play light: no sliding, hard tackling, fighting, screaming, & hopefully no injuries. We need to respect current regulations in Vienna, Austria.
The main priorities are to have fun and being safe. The drinks are relatively free after the game in the local pub, served to those who have shown fantastic football fair-play skills. We will confirm the location, the pitches, and the dressing room numbers via our dedicated Football WhatsApp group/s. Keep an eye out for the group messages. See you all soon.

Sorin SMS/ WhatsApp +43 6764276984 (please ask to be added to our football groups). We will probably need to confirm your presence if you are coming for the first or second time.

Important management rule:
> "No shows" are penalised with 10€ fee. Please remove your name from the list at least SIX!!! (6) HOURS before the event. Book a place via FootballExperiences.NET using this link https://footballexperiences.net/kickaball/

One small final note:
Please avoid trying to take justice in your hands. If someone is talking bad, complaining, insulting someone, fouling on purpose or commiting the usual football shenanigans, please let the organisers know. Measures will be taken, we assure you. Any misbehaviour on your part, such as responding in an obscene way, fighting, or leaving the pitch is not a practical and diplomatic way of resolving the issues (it tends to create more tension and cause more problems). Let’s be respectful and mature and try to enjoy the game we all love.

That’s why we’re all here. Get to know people from all over the world and have fun! Thank you.

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